MAX'S, by Rocky Ball and David Anders, is a contemporary comic strip. The setting is a small neighborhood bar that could be anywhere in America. The proprietor, Max, is a 60-something, quiet, mild-mannered soul who does more listening than talking.

ABOUT MAX's: MAX's BAR attracts a lot of different people! After only a few visits each patron feels like this is their second home. Although each guest rarely agrees with everything the person on the next stool has to say or think or believe... they have bonded together like a family and their love and friendship for each other crosses any divides in viewpoints... they've chosen to respectfully disagree when their opinions veer in different directions. They come to MAX's to enjoy each other's company and friendship, tell stories, hear adventures, express views, and laugh together!
And if you can't say it in a limerick... don't say it!

Max's has come to the end of its trial run on Facebook. Below is No.1
To see all 69 episodes click on ARCHIVES and step through them all in order of publication.

If you'd like to view ALL of the 69 episodes (in publishing order) - check the ARCHIVES link below.

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MAX's is Copyright ©2018-2021 by Ball & Anders • All Rights Reserved